Friday, January 11, 2008


Surrounded by walls,
Carefully folded and and fresh;
Cloth replacing stone.

Yes, I've caught up on laundry and it sits all around me in tidy little piles. I don't really feel like taking it upstairs and putting it all away, but having it spread about my living room is, perhaps, less than ideal. Of course, if I just get dressed down here every day, it will soon find its way back into the laundry again, right? Right? (I think I've reached new levels of laziness...)

1 comment:

Sonya said...

Already there my friend. My laundry baskets are also my drawers.

Even worse; last night, I just slept with half folded clothes lying in a pile on the bed beside me...

The scary part is, I PAID to have my laundry done and I STILL couldn't be bothered to put it away - now THAT's lazy!