Saturday, February 2, 2008


Tonight lines were crossed.
Audience climbed on stage then
Lay down in our paths.

Yes, a rather loud and rambunctious group didn't quite understand the nature of "interactive" theatre and made a nuisance of themselves. At the end of Time Warp they sprawled all around in our performance space, even ON TOP of one actor. To the one closest to me, I said, "I will step on your head in a moment if you don't move." They didn't return after intermission. Such a shame.


Sean Newbury said...

Should it happen again (and I hope it doesn't, but if it does,) please, PLEASE step on their head!

Sorry to hear they were such freaks.

Sonya said...

Did any of them start shouting out "Hey man, do yah know any Zepplin"? Then you know you are truly a star!

Jerome said...

No, I'm afraid not.

Though, whilst trying to herd them off the stage in character, I did pretend to kick one of them in the head and when I next went off stage, the sound guy said, "Man, I wish you really had kicked him in the head..." Ha!