Thursday, April 10, 2008

Play the Game

Why have all game shows
Selected obnoxious twits
As their contestants?

Seriously. I don't often watch game shows, but occasionally settle on them for a few minutes while flipping. They're wrought with irritating, attention-seeking blowhards. Oh, for the days of The Match Game when it was the celebrity panelists who were intensely hopped up on caffiene while the contestants were pleasantly quiet "everypeople" by comparison.


Sonya said...

Hmm...I don't know, I always liked the freaks. I was a particularly big fan of Let's Make a Deal and the crazier the contestant, the better!

Jerome said...

I much preferred the "Let's Make a Deal" goofy contestants to the obnoxiously arrogant / cocky ones they're shining the spotlight on now. They're all trying to trash-talk like pro-wrestlers these days.