Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Before Sunrise

Which will get me first?
The sinus infection or
The early mornings?

Well, at least I have antibiotics for the sinus infection. The mornings? Yeah, they're going to go another six weeks or so... Blech.

Speaking of early mornings, how thrilled was I to arrive at work this morning at 6:30 (SIX-TWENTY, PEOPLE!) to prepare for something that didn't end up taking place? Not very. Life will go on. At least it's done for tomorrow.

1 comment:

Sonya said...

OK, you win the "my life sucks" prize of the day (although if I told you mine, I think I'd give you a run for your money).

P.S. Antibiotics? Does that mean an actual trip to the Dr? It's a miracle!