Thursday, June 26, 2008


A smashing ev'ning,
Was marred by only one thing:
Lengthy traffic jam.

I was off to Commingle Too for an evening of music and art.

Good things about the evening:

Hanging out with Sonya and Keltie and Andrew.

Finally meeting May and Dan.

The music and art (including a fantastic piece by Keltie which I now own, thanks to Sonya! Woot! Thanks!).

The not-so-good-part was, as mentioned above, the nearly two-hour traffic jam I encountered on the way home. Yack. It was a bit ridiculous. Because of that, this is very much back-timed to make it fit the right day.


Sonya said...

You forgot, sparkling conversation while stuck in jam...

Jerome said...

Ah yes. Sparkling conversation via text messages numerous enough to break the bank. Ha!