Monday, September 15, 2008

Das Coo'

Need a place to "chill"?
Then come hang on my front lawn.
All the cool kids do.

I arrived home today from a little jaunt with Jackie and found three neighbourhood girls sitting on my front lawn eating snacks. As I walked up to the house, one called out, "We're just chilling!"

Hahahaha! Sometimes kids kill me!


Sonya said...

Did they REALLY say "chilling"?
'cause I think TRULY cool kids would have used an " ' " instead of a "g"...

Jerome said...

You know, I debated that spelling when writing, but I think she may very well have said, "Chilling." Ha!

Sean Newbury said...

So I'm guessing you don't have a sprinkler system ... 'cause I'd have been putting it on full bee-last!