Monday, March 10, 2008

Mi Casa es Mi Casa

Something becomes clear
Each time family visits:
I should live alone.

It's not that such visits are bad, necessarily, but it does become evident that I have lived in a place of my own for quite some time, that I've grown accustomed to answering to and being responsible for only myself, and that I like it that way. (Hmmm. Maybe that's why I'm single. Hahaha!)


Sean Newbury said...

tut tut.

You're not single... you have Madame Tarantula...

Jerome said...

Aaaaah. Alas the Spider Woman is currently on a vacation at work for the moment. She'll come home again later in the year.

Sean Newbury said...

jeeze even the spider needs time away???

...I'm just saying...

Sean Newbury said...

oh yea... and thank you very much for getting KC and the Sunshine Band stuck in my head...

Sonya said...

Hmm...blaming living alone as your reason for being single...that irony is so loud I can hear it from my apartment, where I sit all alone and single...